Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Egyptians Fear Christina Aguilera

LOL this cartoon is too funny!  Everyone in the nation witnessed Christina Aguilera's embarrassing performance during this year's Super Bowl when she sang the US national anthem with the wrong lyrics.  This cartoon is making fun of both her and ex-president Mubarak's efforts to stop those egyptians in the streets of Cairo from protesting against him.  Mubarak tried to stop them with the army and even payed his supporters to go out and fight or scare the protesters but none of that worked.  According to the cartoonist, Christina's version of the national anthem could have been Mubarak's last resort.  Great sense of humor.

Anti-Obesity Campaign

Both these cartoons are very clever and i had to put them up once I found them.  They are making fun of how unhappy some americans are with the first lady's anti-obesity campaign and her effort to advice nationwide restaurants to serve smaller portions.  I think this campaign is a good idea since obesity has become a real problem in the United States and its  almost uncontrollable for many obese or potentially obese americans.  Too many meals across the country have become "super sized" and "all you can eat" in the last two decades.  Even though many organizations and the media have tried to prevent this problem, there will always be those americans who will never stop the habit and continue to risk their health.  Hope this campaign works out for many of those in need.

Obama's Snake Oil

This political cartoon critiques president Obama for his recent failure to cure the economy, healthcare issues, etc... with his promised solutions (in this case represented as Obama's snake oil).  Some people feel he hasn't done much for the nation but i still have hope in him and believe he is doing his thing slowly but surely.  A percentage of the nation are turning their backs on him or may be disappointed but lets just hope for the best :)

Slow Economy

This cartoon portrays the slow moving pace of the country's economy due to the lack of effort, improvement, and commitment from the government and the politicians that run it.  The economy is barely advancing and most of society is preoccupied, but those who control politics are just too relaxed and taking their sweet time.

Burden of Entitlements

This cartoon represents the burden of entitlements for US tax payers.  This has been a heavy up-hill challenge for most of us living in this country. The budgets for medicare and social security need to be cut in order to aid the US economy.  Something that could be done to fix this problem is to raise the age of retirement to 70 for those who are perfectly in good health  before they become eligible for medicare and social security.  This would also reduce the spending on healthcare by aiding those over 70 with much more serious health issues than younger retirees. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Great political cartoon

This cartoon truly portrays president Hosni Mubarak's true colors.  After being in power of Egypt for so many years he had forgotten about his people and their needs  and only became concerned about his family's wealth.  Sounds to me like a corrupt leader/regime.  After weeks of consistent historical protests the people of egypt convinced Mubarak to resign and step down, but even after this transition we see that Mubarak got to keep all of his wealth (billions of dollars) and left satisfied with nothing to loose.  Im sure he had this all planned out since he kept most of his money far from egypt in banks in Switzerland and the UK.  He knew this was coming for him; he was ready and got what he wanted, except for a good legacy.